About Wealthplan Group Retirement Plans & Foundations

Our family of companies has financial advisors with offices across the country. For 32 years, we’ve been offering unbiased financial advice and asset management as a fiduciary firm more focused on client success than company sales. As an independent national firm, we can provide a wider range of financial advisory options that can be tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of companies, foundations, and individuals. A particular area of firm expertise is managing group retirement plans, including Cash Balance, Profit Sharing, 403b, and 401k plans. Our unique approach to services and support relieves retirement plan sponsors of the administrative headache of managing their employee retirement plans internally. We will assess, consult and benchmark your retirement plan design and suggest strategies to increase efficiency and plan health. Since we act as a Fiduciary, we can also assume the responsibility of making sure that your plan stays compliant, and we will work with you to address all regulatory issues. By instituting an employee education program, we’ll help you increase employee satisfaction and retention by making your participants more active, improving the way they manage their own financial wellness. To find out more, call us for a no-obligation consultation today.