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Market Breadth is Improving

For the last three months, the total return of the S&P 500 Index and the equal weighted S&P 500 Index are nearly identical, with the equal weighted index at times exceeding the return of the cap weighted version (see chart below).  This is a healthy sign, particularly since we are 80% way through the earnings…

WPG - 2023.05.15 - Weekly Note - Square - The inflation threat is receding

The Inflation Threat is Receding

  May 15, 2023   We had two important inflation releases last week for inflation data through April. Looking at inflation expressed as a percentage change from a year ago, we can see inflation readings receding.   The red line depicts the Consumer Price Index, and the blue line shows the Producer Price Index (commodities).…

WPG Q1 - 2023 Full

Mixed Messages: A Review of the First Quarter 2023

  April 3, 2023   There were many eye-grabbing headlines related to the economy and capital markets in the first quarter. We continue to face uncertainty in the inflation outlook. The Fed’s rhetoric continues to be hawkish as it views inflationary pressures as the most significant threat to the economy and prosperity currently. Thus, during…